An elderly couple hugging in a park
An elderly couple hugging in a park
Patient Support

Patient Organizations

Although each organization has its own mission, patient organizations all share a common goal of advocating on behalf of their communities for better care and treatment to ensure better quality of life.

The Role of Patient Organizations

Un groupe de patients et patientes debout les un·e·s à côté des autres.

The Role of Patient Organizations

Represent the community

Patient organizations play an important role in Quebec’s healthcare system, including in the clinical research ecosystem.

  • Each organization focuses on a specific medical condition or a set of similar conditions. For example, Regroupement québécois des maladies orphelines (RQMO) represents all people living with rare or orphan diseases.
  • These organizations have a mission to provide information and direct support to people living with the diseases and to their families, and to defend their rights and interests.
  • They also raise public awareness about the medical condition they represent, the patients’ care trajectory and the daily lives of people with the condition.
Une femme sportive entourée d'outils médicaux.

Make it easier to access better care

Some organizations liaise between their communities and various health stakeholders such as:

Through this role, these organizations can, for example, provide information about clinical trials to their communities to facilitate their access to them.

Un groupe de patients, patientes et médecins devant un hôpital.

Support medical research

To help modernize the healthcare system, patient organizations are developing programs to accelerate and facilitate access to innovation in care and treatment, including programs that support and fund research.

Through their advocacy, these organizations also help implement public policies that meet the needs of their communities. For example, patient organizations may submit comments and be consulted as part of the provincial evaluation of health innovations (drugs, blood products, medical devices, and so on).

Un cahier bleu avec des marque-pages rouges et blancs.

Directory of Patient Organizations

In the Clinical Trials Quebec Directory, you will find patient organizations working in Quebec that have been identified by our team.

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