Un professionnel de la santé prélève un échantillon sur un patient.
Un professionnel de la santé prélève un échantillon sur un patient.
Discover Clinical Research

Patient Support

Active patient participation is essential in clinical research. It allows for the development of medical innovations that improve the entire population's quality of life.

Patient Organizations

Patient organizations play an important role in Quebec’s healthcare system, including in the clinical research ecosystem.

Some organizations act as intermediaries between their communities and various healthcare stakeholders, providing their communities with information about and access to clinical trials.

These organizations also develop programs to accelerate and facilitate access to innovations in care and treatment, including programs that support and fund research.

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Un homme et une femme se tiennent côte à côte.
Un cahier bleu avec des marque-pages rouges et blancs.

Directory of Patient Organizations

In the Clinical Trials Quebec Directory, you will find patient organizations working in Quebec that have been identified by our team.

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Patient Partners: Building Collaborative Relationships

Patient partners work actively with public healthcare institutions, drug and biotechnology companies and various government authorities to ensure that the patient’s voice is reflected in healthcare system guidelines and decisions. Their goal is to improve patient care in the Quebec healthcare system.

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Une infirmière parle à un homme âgé sur un canapé.