A nurse talking to an elderly man on a sofa
A nurse talking to an elderly man on a sofa
Patient Support

Patient Partners

The patient partnership is a civic collaboration whose purpose is to ensure that the patient’s voice is reflected in healthcare system guidelines and decisions. It is a group of people of all ages and backgrounds who share their experience with the healthcare system and services.

Improve the Patient Experience

Improve the Patient Experience

Patient partners work actively with public healthcare institutions, drug and biotechnology companies and various government authorities to improve the patient experience and patient care.

For example, patient partners may collaborate on governance and in setting research priorities. They may also help popularize and communicate clinical trial results to participants or policymakers.

Overall, the goal of the patient partnership is to improve the health system and the health of the population based on the actual patient experience.

Une médecin et sa patiente se sert la main

Unité de soutien SSA Québec

For more information on the patient partnership in clinical research, visit the Unité de soutien SSA Québec website. The scientific and field teams of the Unité de soutien SSA, together with its community of patient partners called Expériences, have a unique expertise in patient/public/organization partnerships. The Unité de soutien SSA provides tools, advice, training, facilitation and networking to promote partnership work in healthcare, to support the integration of science and innovation, and to facilitate change in the health and social services network.

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